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Our little toddlers are busy beings who love to learn new concepts every day! They are sensory learners who love to touch, smell and taste everything which helps them understand the world around them. They perceive the world differently than us. Following a routine might seem boring for us but for toddlers, routines are essential. Routines give our cuties a sense of being smart. Even though they are always learning, having a fixed study time and playtime ensures that they feel secure and confident. It also makes them more independent to do their tiny activities at a scheduled time.
If you’re wondering how to make a study plan for small kids and what could be the best study techniques for toddlers, we’re here to help you with study tips and tricks for toddlers.
Toddlers love routines! They like doing their morning rituals at specific times every single day! Their bedtime sweet talks and story time better not change. Going off the routine might actually make your little monkey throw a tantrum instead. So a scheduled study routine will help them. Make a timetable for study at home and stick to the timetable every day and you will be sowing the seeds of a healthy study plan in your little one.
Cognitive development and language development are the two big areas your little one is picking up at this age. Toddlers learn best through the ‘play and learn’ method. It’s a good idea to try and make this play and learn time as enjoyable as possible. It’s ok if they make a little mess.
Mid-mornings are the best time to study for toddlers. After they are done with their morning tasks, set aside an hour or two for their study time where your little one can play and learn! Include various things like texture play, shape recognition, and sounds in their study plan.
By 15 months of age, your little darlings can say their first words and can follow directions when they are given both sound and gesture. Their vocabulary starts growing from 1 and 2 words to about 50 words by the time they are two years old. Some of the most effective study tips for toddlers are to include language cues and plays that help in their cognitive development. Let’s see some study tips and tricks for toddlers that will make their study time fun and exciting.
Toddlers love routines and schedules. Make a designated study area for your little one that is colourful, vibrant and lively. Their study space should include a colourful study table and chair. One of the best study techniques for toddlers is to create separate areas in their study space for different activities that are easily accessible by your little one. Get open shelves with baskets for different activities. For a sensory area, have baskets with shapes and blocks. Make a math area where you can keep number rods or abacus that can teach them numbers from 1- 10. You could also include wooden beads and threads for beading activities to develop their motor skills.
One of the best study tips and tricks for toddlers is to let your kids have fun with colours to teach them colour recognition. Let your little darling place her tiny hands on a plate of toddler-safe colour and help her make a handprint on paper. Or name the colour and paint her fingers as a fun learning activity. Once their masterpiece is dry, put it in a frame and hang it as their room’s masterpiece.
Other techniques on how to study effectively and reinforce colour recognition are to ask them to go on a scavenger hunt and separate objects by colour. Send your tiny one on a scavenger hunt around the house looking for items that match a particular colour. Choose bright primary colours for such activities. Or ask her to sort different blocks according to colours. Tell her about the rainbow and seven colours and sing the rainbow song!
Nurture your little ones' language and vocabulary skills by making cute songs or tunes with rhyming words. Sing the classic alphabet song or nursery rhymes like Incy Wincy Spider. During the toddler years, your little one will learn nine to ten new words each day. You could encourage their singing at different times of the day – during bath time, while going out on a stroll so that they repeat the words they captured that day!
Your tiny one will love his time at the sand pit, digging and piling up sand. These activities improve children’s motor skills. Toddlers are sensory learners, so if your little bundle of joy wants to spend a little more time at the sand pit, let him do it. For the best routine for study for kids make alphabet cut outs or shape cutouts on differently textured paper and let them touch and feel them. Or make a scrapbook where you can ask your tiny tots to decorate with different textures like cotton, beads, beans, textured paper or even dried pasta!
Your 2-year-old genius might have learned numbers 1-10 and can recite them easily. Encourage him to count the number of beans after you place 3 beans on a plate. You can teach your little prodigy simple counting and math by doing exercises like saying “I have two candies, so I need 1 more to make it three candies!”
Playing and learning is one of the best study techniques for toddlers. Let your little angel play with different kinds of games like wooden jigsaw puzzles, floor puzzles, shape sorters, and colour blocks. Include enough play time in their study plan and let your darling play with toys, musical instruments, crayons and colours for better cognitive development.
Let your tiny one be herself and be gentle and friendly with her while she plays and learns. A little mess is okay. Teach your toddler to keep the toys back in their dedicated places after she is done playing. This will teach her organization and responsibility. The best routine for study for kids should have 30 minutes of sensorial, language and pre-math activities and at least an hour of pure playtime. Let your little explorer discover the fun of learning while playing.
A two-year-old should be learning about colour recognition, sounds, words, alphabets and shapes. They should be able to complete sentences and follow simple instructions.
A toddler’s study plan should include sensorial activities, simple math activities, and language activities with alphabet recognitions and rhymes. Also, include pure play time with toys.
Most preschoolers already know alphabet by the time they enter school. By age two your little one should be able to recognise some letters and pronounce them. The best study techniques for toddlers are to use sing-aloud songs. ABC song is the easiest way to teach ABCs to your little one angel!